Bicycle Service Packages
Packages include labor only, all parts are additional. Additional labor charges may be incurred for complex repairs and/or accessory installs.
Our hourly shop rate is $65.

Oh the places you'll go Bicycle Check Up
Air, Brakes, Chain
Oh Baby Go Baby
Basic Bicycle Tune
Check and adjust all components
Fox in Sox
Deluxe Tune
Check and adjust all components +
complete drivetrain clean
I'm Not Going to Get Up Today
Major Overhaul
Deluxe tune services + overhaul headset, hub and bottom bracket
ski and snowboard
tune packages & Services
We offer machine base grinding hand finished tunes, our tunes are sharp and fast! Every ski and snowboard deserves a premium tune each season.
Our wax services are completed using the Wax Future machine which offers the highest quality waxing results by penetrating the wax deeper into the base using the latest in infrared technology – for perfect gliding over longer distances.
As certified binding technicians we only provide services on gear in good condition and on bindings which are indemnified by the manufacturer. Ensuring you are safe on your equipment is our top priority.

Rippin channel 11 down the piste
Premium Tune
Bases restored, hand edge, custom stone grind, infrared + jet wax finish
Whit’s Wiggle
Standard Tune
Hand edge, custom stone grind, jet wax finish
Turn ‘em and burn ‘em Stonegrind, Edge and Wax
Stone grind, edge and wax
Arch ‘em or park ‘em
Machine Edge and Wax
Machine edge and wax
New Binding Mount & Release Check
$75 for a re-mount
Binding Release Check